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Campus Telecommunications Standard


The purpose of this standard is to define the requirements to ensure availability, stability and efficient operations management of West Virginia University telecommunications voice systems. This standard is designed to minimize the potential exposure of West Virginia University and its community to damages, attack, and unauthorized access.

This standard applies to:

  • All students, employees and guests who order or utilize WVU telecommunications infrastructure
  • Any entities that operate external systems which directly interconnect with WVU telecommunications voice systems
  • WVU telecommunications infrastructure (including components purchased with grant funds), and privately-owned equipment that directly connects to the telecommunications infrastructure.

Telecommunications infrastructure includes all WVU-owned or leased equipment, services, and cabling with the purpose of providing fax or voice communications service. For example, this may include but is not limited to telephones, voice mail servers, routers, voice mail software, fiber optics, or copper cabling.

Effective Date

January 3, 2012


1.1. The Office of Information Technology (ITS) is responsible for designing, managing and securing the WVU telecommunications voice infrastructure.

1.2. Only specific classes of telecommunications devices may be connected to the WVU telecommunications infrastructure. Approved telecommunications devices are:

  • Voice over IP (VoIP) instruments which are acquired through ITS or which are pre-approved by ITS
  • Commercially available analog telephone devices (including fax machines, voice mail systems,  and modems)

1.3. ITS shall have authority over all physical and logical VoIP interfaces and connections and any legacy voice systems.

1.4. Unapproved modifications or extensions to WVU telecommunications infrastructure, including but not limited to extending data networks that carry VoIP transmissions, is prohibited.

1.5. Call detail records (CDRs) are maintained from phone calls made or received using the Morgantown campus Voice over IP system for a limited period of time. This information is available on request for official law enforcement entities or as advised by WVU legal counsel.

1.6. ITS shall deny or prevent requests for device or line additions or changes if it determines that the change would adversely affect WVU business or educational operations, system stability, or overall availability or security.

1.7. ITS maintains contracts and accounts with external services providers for the purposes of providing Public Switched Telephone Network access, intercampus and intra campus communications, and access to additional services. All requests for goods and services through these contracts shall be made through ITS.


Violation of or non-compliance with this standard will be addressed in accordance with established university disciplinary policies and procedures, as issued and enforced by the appropriate authorities. Failure to comply with this or other related standards may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of one’s employment or studies.


Exceptions to IT Standards will be considered using the IT Standard Exception Procedure.

Related Information

Revision History

Jan 5. 2012 – initial version of the Campus Telecommunications Standard. Replaces the previous telecommunications policy.


Policy Questions

Questions, concerns or additional information about this and any ITS policy should be directed to the CIO office at

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