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Online Proctored Exam Standard

Policy Number:
Category: Acceptable Use of Technology
Effective: July 12, 2022
Revision History: Originally effective March 4, 2019
Review Date: July 11, 2025

  1. Purpose, Scope, and Responsibilities

    1. Academic integrity is fundamental to the activities carried out at West Virginia University, West Virginia University Institute of Technology, and Potomac State College of West Virginia University (“University”). To that end, the University has established guidelines and requirements that promote academic integrity across campus. The Student Code of Conduct identifies that academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited at the University and the Acceptable Use of Data and Technology Resources Policy establishes the rules for use of University Data and University Technology Resources to prohibit academic dishonesty.
    2. The purpose of this Standard is to establish minimum requirements for use of online testing that requires Proctoring Services.
    3. This Standard applies to all students taking an online proctored examination including, but not limited to, tests and quizzes.
    4. Students taking an online proctored exam/quiz are responsible for meeting the requirements identified in this document related to technology/systems, behavior, and attire when taking an online proctored exam. Failure to meet the requirements outlined in this Standard could result in immediate end of the online testing session for the student resulting in no credit for the exam or suspension from the program for ethics violation
    5. The Chief Information Officer, supported by the Director for Systems of Engagement, is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of this Standard. Faculty and staff who sponsor online testing with Proctoring Services are also responsible for enforcing this Standard.
    6. Students taking an online proctored exam/quiz are responsible for meeting the following requirements related to technology/systems, behavior, and attire when taking an online proctored exam.
  2. Online Proctored Exams

    1. Resolve all technical problems or payment issues in time to meet the course deadlines.
    2. Present University Identification Card (e.g., Mountaineer Card), displaying the name and picture, to the proctor/instructor before starting an exam. The University Identification Card must be clear and centered for each start-up sequence for every exam. All other forms of identification (e.g., driver’s license) will not be accepted.
    3. Ensure the device being used for the exam (“Exam Device”) meets or exceeds the Proctoring Service’s system requirements. A microphone (internal or external) and web camera (internal or external) are both required. Speakers, headset, or earphones may be utilized based on instructor discretion. A wired Internet connection is highly recommended.
    4. Exhibit traditional classroom conduct and attire. Baseball caps, hats, sunglasses, smart watches, and/or smart glasses are strictly prohibited.
    5. Ensure the testing location is in a well-lit room that is as quiet as possible. Music, television sounds, barking dogs, and loud appliances (e.g., blender, washing machine) are not permitted. Overhead fans must be turned off. Avoid backlighting such as sitting in front of a sunny window or bright light.
    6. Ensure the testing location will have minimal interruptions. No other persons are permitted in the testing location during the exam. If an emergency interruption occurs, briefly explain the interruption to the proctor/instructor and then resume the quiz/exam immediately.
    7. Take the quiz/exam on a hard surface (e.g., table, desk). Avoid reclining in bed.
    8. Remove external materials from their field of vision prior to the start of the exam/quiz including books, papers, notes, notebooks, posters, and Post-Its on the desk or walls.
    9. Ensure all devices other than the Exam Device are either powered-off or removed from their field of vision prior to the start of the exam/quiz (“Other Devices”). Smartphones may be used for Duo authentication and then must be put away.
    10. Provide a 360-degree scan of the room, including right and left of the keyboard, floor, and lap, to show the proctor/instructor the desktop/workspace in which the exam is taken. The scan must be thorough, clear, and complete. Some Proctoring Services allow students to use mirrors to conduct the scan.
    11. Keep entire face in the frame of view of the webcam and/or proctor/instructor for the initial set up and for duration of the exam. Avoid walking around, eating/drinking, resting head on hands, or covering up face with hands or clothing during the exam.
    12. Refrain from talking to others, reading questions, answers, or debating questions during the quiz/exam unless the student has a disability which would require a reasonable accommodation.
    13. Heed any warnings given by the proctor/instructor regarding exam conduct. The proctor will end a session if the student disregards warnings.
    14. Contact the course instructor immediately following exam if any issues or problems were encountered with the Proctoring Service during a proctored exam.
  3. Definitions

    1. “Exam Device” means the device that the student will use to take the online proctored exam.
    2. “Other Devices” means laptops, computers, notebooks, tablets, smartphones, smart watches, smart glasses, or any other device that can be used to collect, store, access, transmit, carry, use, or hold data but is not the Exam Device.
    3. “Proctoring Service” means a third-party who provides the platform for administering online exams to prevent cheating and ensure academic integrity.

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